Thursday, January 5, 2012

Frown Addiction


Remember your baby's smile.
You won't see it through broken buildings
Or blacked out windows.
You won't see your baby's smile in the alleys
Or between spindly legs. 

Remember your baby's smile until it's solid
And hide it behind locks even he cannot pick.
Be wily with his smile.
It is worth more than the rings and things you tried to keep
From being stolen in your sleep.
Hide the treasure in a worthless but sturdy chest.
The prettier the locket, the bigger chance he'll hock it
And the pearls within.
Remember your baby's smile.
You won't see it once it hits a counter
Or a quivering palm.
You won't see your baby's smile in the smoke
Or demon dens under the bridge.
Remember your baby's smile
Before muscles go slack
And neither parent nor child can lift the corners.
Tell him how it was when he would smile.
Tell him of the days when he cared about his happiness
And yours.
Tell him how it was when you would smile.

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